Being one of the most common male sexual dysfunctions, rapid climax or premature ejaculation (PE) affects a major section of male population all over the world. Usually, men suffering from this condition climax quickly during sexual intercourse in comparison to their female counterpart. This eventually deprives many women of the pleasures of mutual orgasm. It is estimated according to a study that about 30% to 40% of the total male population experiences problems with their ejaculatory functions. In fact, almost all men experience infrequent problems of ejaculation at least once in their lives. But as this problem deepens and becomes more frequent, it can take toll on the sex lives of most couples. In particular, most first-timers, who indulge in sex for the very first time, tend to find it very difficult to delay their orgasm for long. Infrequent instances of premature ejaculation are not a major concern and can be corrected with some practices. A new research in the area of heat therapy is about to unearth an interesting revelation of premature treatment. Let's take an in-depth look at how heat therapy can help in delaying orgasm for long-lasting sexual sessions.
Heat therapy:A new approach towards PE treatment
A thorough study of the role of the brain in orchestrating ejaculation has given us new direction in effective control of the urge to ejaculate with sexual stimulation. A lot of drugs work in the body by interfering with the process of serotonin (neurotransmitter) reuptake in the brain to delay orgasm. But due to chemical content in these drugs, many people can experience certain side effects. The University Hospitals Case Medical Centre in Cleveland, Ohio conducted a research, which was led by a team of radiologists, which showed how heat therapy can be safely and effectively used for premature ejaculation treatment. This heat therapy includes inserting a needle-sized electrode into the dorsal penile nerves of the men suffering from early ejaculation. The nerve impulses are sent to the skin of the penis to reduce the sensation that causes ejaculation. Usually, the ejaculatory impulses carried by specific nerves are blocked by these electrodes. Many clinical trials have proved that this topical treatment is first of its kind and can successfully help in delaying ejaculation.