It's a brutal economy, we've all had to tighten our belts, and many women don't have money to go out as much anymore. Guys have it better, as they are fascinated by sports, especially ones that require an inflated slab of bovine flesh to be moved repetitiously back and forth a field in violent fashion, tiny balls to be hurled with great velocity and hit with sticks, and bright orange balls to be heaved through rings. Without frontal lobotomies, cannot be fixated by such primitive rituals, so finding amusement on the cheap is harder for them. To aid bored females, here are some free girl games, phone apps, and how-to-guides.
The loophole in the prenup game. An essential wildlife survival skill for all budding young moneygrubbers. A tutorial in how to write a prenup which appears ironclad, but has loopholes which render it meaningless!
Shoe net worth calculator. You sum up all the shoes you've bought, price them at 2010 parity levels, and determine how many months of net income you've spent just on shoes. Converters are available online to help you do wage conversions and averages if you've had several games. The amount of money you would have if this money were not spent but invested in T-bills is then computed.