Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Best Sex Positions for Conception

Best Sex Positions for Conception

Sexuality Articles | June 5, 2012

Best Sexual Positions for Conception

Getting pregnant may have been an easy task for some couples; some may have to put in extra efforts to ‘make a baby’. In order to conceive, couples resort to various procedures from keeping a track of ovulation to trying different sexual positions, which may aid in conception. This has always been a topic of debate that some sexual positions aid in conceiving and some not. Let’s see what are those best sexual positions, which may help you in becoming pregnant:-
Best Positions to Get Pregnant
1. Missionary position

It is considered as one of the best sexual positions when one is trying to get pregnant. In missionary position, the man is on top. This position ensures that the sperm can reach the egg faster and easily. Keeping a pillow under woman’s buttock when having sex in the missionary position is another idea to increase the chance of getting pregnant. This position ensures that the sperm will directly travel to the egg and will help in getting pregnant faster. It is said that in this sex position, delivery of sperm is very close to the woman’s cervix.
Rear entry style
 Rear entry style is commonly known as the doggy style of sexual intercourse. The woman lay on all her fours and the man makes the penetration from behind. This position is also considered to increases the chances of getting pregnant as in this position; the style of entry ensures that the sperm will be delivered in the close proximity of the cervix of the woman.
2. Side by side style

Another position which may help you to conceive is side by side style. The couple lies down side by side, facing each other. The sexual intercourse is done in this position.  The side-by-side style of sexual intercourse aids in making the cervix of the woman more approachable for the sperm.

Whatever sexual position you might try for increasing your chances of conception however, the most important thing to ensure is that that after the sexual intercourse, the sperm remains within you. This is why you do should not get up immediately after sex, lie for 15-20 minutes and you may never know when it happens. Another important thing to keep in mind if you are trying to conceive is to keep a tab of your menstrual cycles. After 14th day of your last cycle, ovulation starts. This is the most fertile period and having sex in this time will surely get you the desired result. Know the indications that your body gives while ovulating. Your basal temperature increases and with the use of ovulation calculator you can know the exact days when you ovulate.

Article Tags: Best Sexual, Sexual Positions, Getting Pregnant, Sexual Intercourse