and was this popular also, in Britain? how much so and for how long? how popular today? and why this is? when it became less popular? also, WHY people wanted to get these so badly? please explain how it makes people and do you think many women wished their partners to take this? why were doctors so ready and willing to prescribe these too? and has this changed at all? please explainthanks for your answers!
probably because doctors were paid extra to prescribe it and lots of men were experiencing erectile disfunction, it became very popular around 10/20 years ago, but was still bought privately by some people. people want sex, so if they can't, they'll just take viagra
I can only guess at the answers, but if one was to have trouble getting an erection, I imagine they would want some help having sex so their marriage doesn't fall apart.
The fizer riser has recently celebrated 10 years of being available on the NHS! I get it for free because I am diabetic.
Ppl r stupid. Viagra is for older men who have trouble gettin it up. On the streets its a cheap version of exstasy. Yound dudes who use this product are crazy. They want to keep a longer erection, but its like suicide to a woman to have a man inside her all night. No woman wants their healthy partner on viagra.
I repeat from yesterday, you ask these weird questions like an alien trying to figure out the human race. Has anyone told you about Wikipedia yet? Many of the answers you seek are there.
When some men get older, they can no longer get an erection, and that isn't fair to their wife. When viagra became approachable, these men could when the world was younger more acquire hard, added to they could beget sex again. As a wife whose husband suffers from ED, I am grateful for viagra, because it helps us grate on nerves have penetration sex when we otherwise couldn't. It's willy-nilly for younger men who do not beget a problem getting erect, it's for older men like my husband.
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