Do you find anything similarities between a pill to treat a medical issue (impotence) and the decision of a would-be mother to end her pregnancy?
i've been befuddled by that since the first time i heard that argument. ignorance or politics is all i can figure.
Because the abortion issue for conservatives is not about saving babies it is about in jesus freaks think a baby is a proper punishment for committing the grave sin of pre-marital sex. Jesus freaks do not like it when something they deem as a punishment can be removed. Everyone knows it is a control issue, I mean, conservatives worship a baby killer god (egypt's first born) and not only do they worship and love a baby killer, they defend, excuse and justify the deaths of innocent babies murdered by their baby killing bible god. People who truly care about babies would defend the babies...not love and worship the baby killer. It is only want to control women in issues of sex, so why shouldn't a few powerful women be allowed to put some control on the limp dics who are so old there is no way they need the viagra for sex with their 70 year old wives...the viagra is for the prostitutes conservatives keep in business. Why should I pay for some nasty old conservative adulterers viagra so they seat keep their habiliments alongside prostitutes allowing their old wives are home knitting a sweater?
Well, both are medical services that improve lives. A pregnancy that ends in abortion does not make that woman a would-be mother.
maybe if they would stop with the Viagra they could prevent some abortions. I don't know.
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