Fosterthe main argument i hear is that birth control is unnatural, and you shouldn't mess with god his decisions about life and blah blah blah. so explain why the same people are ok with Viagra and other male enhancement drugs? if the same god wanted men to have sex, wouldn't he have made them capable?
ElfriedaBecause someone long ago decided it was unnatural for a woman to dictate what she does with/to her body. Whereas men can have a bifurcated penis and many don't even bat an eye. lol A bifurcated penis, now that's unnatural. I wish I could give you tons of stars, thumbs up and some hugs. This was the best question!
Lorenzai don't know, but i would like to see the Christians justify that one.
DebraIt's all about adding. Not decreasing I guess.
Ben((((((Goddess)))))) I love you! I wish I could give this question a billion stars. LMFAO
ReaIt's not that birth control is unnatural, it's that it is preventing contraception. The Church believes that sex is for creating another human being, and contraception or birth control is defeating the purpose.
HeideThe Bible is very misogynistic, why wouldn't it's followers be that way?
LacyBecause women having freedom over their sexuality is wrong, but it's good if men want to do it. It all boils down to sexism.
CourtneyHmmmm. Perhaps it's proof that God is a man. A man who can't perform when it matters.
EleanoraBelieve me when I say I've asked this question several times. The list of unnatural things is not limited to to viagra (which is weird enough on it's own. 70 year old men should not be getting erections).Smoking - inhaling smoke into your lungs intentionally is not natural. Plastic surgery - Having pads put into your breasts to make them bigger is not only unnatural, it's a sin - thou shalt not bear false witness, remember? Botox - Injecting one of the most lethal poisons known to man directly into your flesh? PLEASE. answers. yahoo. com/question/index;There is an inherent hypocrisy among this whole issue. The Bible also teaches that people who divorce and remarry are adulterers. The next time you see an anti-gay or anti-birth control person, ask them if their church performs wedding ceremonies for these adulterers.
Auralol. I totally agree with Kayla. Awesome question, btw. xD
NeliaAnyone who complains about stuff because it isn't natural is a fool. Since when are computers, bridges and cars natural? Yet are these things bad? Come up with a better reason. Un-natural things are created because they are usually in some way an improvement over natural things.
RicardaApples and oranges.
Viagra is with regabd to treating erectile dysfunction. Fertility is irresistibly a disease, dysfunction, or disorder.
CasieUgh! That little blue pill should be banned. A 90 year old saggy man suit that is able to bonk just aint on..EwwwwwLMFAOYour EVIL! Now I can't get this image out of my mind..
MartineI'm no fan of Viagra ; I think it's just dumb (doesn't even qualify for religious debate).But contraception is not wrong because is departs from the natural / not natural naive moral reference but rather because it perverts sexuality into a pleasure seeking indulgence that makes no room for the gift of life. In this way it is no different from homosexuality and no less an abomination in the eyes of God. Contraception, homosexuality, abortion and euthanasia are the main pillars of the new pagan temple we call the culture of death.
DerekBecause sexism hasn't died out. I hope that makes (at least a little) sense. Blah, I'm half-asleep.
EmogeneDo you notice how the Christians are ignoring this question? LOL
ElviraYou never cease to amaze me. I love how you never run out of ideas to point out just how silly some things are. I look forward every night after work to see which new questions you've put up, I only wish I had answers that would justify your questions. Thank You
CraigMmmmmMy basic thought would be thatViagra is fixing something that has gone wrong/doesn't workBirth control is trying to STOP something from working. That's the basic reasons, I'd think. Although I don't know if my (Catholic) Church actually has some sort of 'offical' stance on viagra. Terry - Smoking is usually viewed as bad - it is damaging / not taking care of the body God gave you. Plastic surgery (for purly cosmetic reasons) is usually viewed as bad due to vanity and seeking things that aren't important. And the Catholic church doesn't remarry divorced people.
Geoffreyagain Dimitri answers with more homophobia! gays, lesbians and bisexuals can fall in love and so the loving is not just sex or to relieve a need, 'homosexual' was also coined in 1868 and added to the bible in 1946, the bible has also been mistranslated, misunderstood and re-edited. many should condemn viagra etc as unnatural but they won't but it is made by people, it's only ever when the homophobes can attack gays, lesbians and bisexuals that they care about lying for jesus that the sexual orientation is unnatural etc, heteros who can't or don't produce kids are never attacked as 'unnatural'
Coreyi totally agree. I believe in birth control, and as for viagra, well, that is not something I think about. But I agree with you on that point. If the christian god wanted men to perform, and make babies, then he, in his never-ending omniPOTENCE, would certainly make the men able to do so. i think that, personally, when a man can't perform, it is the christian god's way of using *free* birth control. Now, watch all of the thumb's down, and how much you wanna bet they are all from impotent men??? Who can't afford viagra?
Craigbecause men have always made it harder for women to live, but not hold those same standards to themselves. Remember men and some women as well seem to think that sex is for the mans pleasure, not the woman personally, that statement makes me want to puke. so does the thought that women are the reason why there is lust in the world, so they must cover their bodies, hair blah blah BS!
Grazynado you need it? so sorry.
ChauBIrth control is not wrong because it is unnatural, but rather, it is wrong because it prevents life. Viagra does not negatively impact or impair someone's ability to have a child. It does not prevent life...
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