If i use viagra what bequeath it accomplish. Will it make my penis larger permenatly or temporarilly or not at one's disposal all? Anyone who uses it please tell me what it does
Are you the 12 year old who is worried about the size of his penis................................viagra is for impotence...not for 12 year olds who aren't old enough to have sex one would prescribe it for a 12 year old, as it would probably kill you. Stick to looking at pictures of breasts on the internet, and wait for adolescence to kick in.
absolutly nothin
It is a pill used to enhance the sex life. It causes you to have a temporary erection. It's for people that have a hard time getting a hard one.
i belive it just helps you get an erection it doesnt change the size or anything
viagra temporarily fix the problem called ED (erectile dysfunction) by pumping blood into penis.
Viagra is ante-christ - Now you should try Cialis
Yea, it adds about 8 inches on permenantly!
um why not try doing a little research for real form the people who actually KNOW what it is for!!! Do a search!
Viagra is a vasodilator, which means is causes your blood vessels to expand allowing more blood to flow, and in the case of your penis, become erect (that is what causes an erection, increased blood flow). But this is also why anyone with a heart condition (young or old) has to be monitored by a physician, the vasodilation can cause some major heart abnormalities. Don't take it without a doctors approval.
Use it on an empty stomac it will make you able to punch holes in sheet rock and go 3-4 times back to back after 15 minutes of rest its great after you get used to it and it does cause facial flushing an sniffles and a little reddening of the eyes. Also if you eat greasy food it will not work and it is too expensive to waste.
viagra is a temporary fix, good for a few hours, it will make your penis hard while and during sexual activity, its a wonder drug, like i said it is temporary only
Read about it on the take less time than waiting for answers on this board. It will make your d1ck hard as a rock - you will get this feeeling that it might also last longer. It is a miracle drug....amazing. I sure wish they would find something like that for women.....
Evidently you've not understood yet what the blue-pill is! It's not a penis enlargement drug or a sexual prolonging time pill, at all. Its basic chimical stuff is the sildenafil citrate just a salt that helps the blood to go and remain in the corpora cavernosa of the penis, giving a hard erection. Nothing more and nothingless. So, if your penis is 7 in. long, then it'll remain 7 in. long even thro and after Viagra effect!!
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