I'm 40 and I feel like I need anti-viagra. I could probably go 3 times a day. If I don't wack off constantly, I get irritated and moody. I work out at least 5 days a week, most days for 2 hours. My wife never wants sex.
Cuz your personality sucks? Just a guess.
Because she's paying attention to someone else's erection.
Do you wine and dine her or just ask her to take care of your erection? Maybe if you butter her up she'll give you some action.
Maybe you need a happy medium. Personally if you are a desirable size and can keep it up for a bit. I can't imagine what her problem is. I wish I was in that situation, because mine is the exact opposite. Sometimes I think I need a replacement, but we don't have any of those stores around. Maybe you need to work a little more and see if it gets your mind off of it. Good Luck!
DUMP HER @SS.........
Maybe you ought to talk to your wife about maybe getting a mistress for you since she don't want to have sex with you. Either that or divorce her and find a woman that is willing to have sex at the same pace you like to have it.
well, I didn't want to f my wife because she was a B and she had a gash. Maybe you have a small penis and a bad personality.
Omg! I want my husband to be hooked up to an IV bag full of Viagra all night. Unless that would make it explode of course.
u could go on wife swap....lol
Maybe because you surf the internet looking for putang?
How do you feel about getting remarried?
Well, let me give you the perspective from a woman who doesn't want it as much as MY husband. Does she work hard, yet not get any acknowledgement for it? Do you go out by yourself, but never offer to take her out? Do you show attention to her MORE than 5 minutes before you want sex? Do you ever say anything nice to her? Tell her you love her? Do you ever do a chore for her, so that she won't need to? Do you have children, but never offer her time without them? Do you ever laugh together? If you work to answer these questions favorably, you may find her mood different.
Do something for her, help her at home. Don't come on to her only in the bedroom. Make her feel sexy. Don't always expect sex from her when you do, do something nice for her. If that doesn't work then you have much bigger problems. See a therapist.
I sympathise with you. What's life without 3 times a day! I'm always erect too, so you are not an odd case. Your wife is odd though.
Patch Grove
Patch Grove
St. Francisville