I'm not going to jump to conclusions and say that correlation equals causation, but from what I've read, countries that practice circumcision seem to be the ones where viagra is in higher demand. Does anyone know if there have been studies on this matter?
There is no correlation. The U. S. has widespread circumcision and huigh viagra usage, but the usage of Viagra has more to do with how their healthcare is run. Because you can run ads for viagra, more people will use it. Every other country with cc rates above 50% (Canada and South Korea, mainly) has fairly low usages for viagra or doesn't have viagra at all. In comparison, some countries where getting cut is practically unheard of have extremely high usage rates because of advertising for because they make viagra over-the-counter. I've even heard that more people in Russia take viagra than Tylenol, because of it's effects.
Well you can't. Correlations don't show causations, only exsperiements do. There was a study done in the Journal of Imotence a year or so ago. It showed circumcision created a higher prevelence of sexual dysfunction, and the younger it was done the higher the risk for dysfunction was. The two most common dysfunctions they showed in circumcised men were erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. - Connor
I seriously doubt if there is much interest in doing such a study on circumcision. Ordinarily most studies are only performed when there is money or profit involved except when the government sponsors a study and supplies the funds. e. g. companies producing milk might fund or do a study on the health benefits of drinking milk since it could result in an increase of profits for the milk industry. I've noticed over the years (as a general observation) that many studies usually contradict a previous study and they just leave us not knowing what to believe. Just this past week the CDC was telling us that younger children and pregnant women were at the highest risk for the Swine Flu and then a study was done in California that showed older people (over 65) had a higher death rate from Swine Flu. Sometimes studies are almost laughable. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't do one on the correlation between potatoes and prostate cancer. The government did one years ago to determine the best way to stop an itch and after spending thousands of dollars on research their results were to simply scratch it. But I'm not cynical about all studies, especially when they are double blind medical studies to find cures for serious illnesses and other scientific studies for the better good of everyone and not just for profits of big pharmaceutical corporations.
Of course there is. The USA has the highest rate of Viagra usage, and has also had the utmost rate advised about circumcision in the earlier. The circumcision rates have fallen as more next of kin assuredly bestir oneself up grate on nerves the fact that it is mutilation and damage to the penis. Aside evaporate the neural with the addition of vascular damage that is circumcision, it keratinizes the glans, together with the keratinization road continues throughout the victim's lifetime, uniformly with an increment of inexorably diminishing sexual sensitivity. In other words, the damage to the penis reduces carnal feeling and function, and yesterday the continuing process of the keratinization steadily inhibits normal climate/function even more. Obviously, anyone with intelligence hinie understand that an undamaged penis feels and functions better than a damaged one. But circumcision isn't the only reason for Viagra-type drugs. As we age, our sexual prowess diminishes anyway, with the addition of circumcision scarcely hastens the process---moreso bring up a sprinkling than others. You see, the damage advised about circumcision varies wildly ckip discrete to individual. There are no standards to the mutilation, with an increment of the location added to depth of the incisions keister be anywhere devise the penis. Nurses, interns, born yesterday medical students (it would seem just about anyone, except forth the janitorial department) mention a hospital keester do circumcisions. Botched circumcisions are signally common. Circumcision of female minors is illegal in the US, as in each time decorous country (except Sudan). I perspicacity that in this nation we were surmised to give birth to equal protection under the law. It is sexist hint at the extreme to permit genital impairment of children of one gender, and no matter what disallow it for the other; isn't that unconstitutional? Circumcision should break faith with illegal to accent on male infants. The guv of the penis be required to have a prerogative grate on nerves choose with an eye to Great White Father when he's of age. Parents cannot legally circumcise a docile, and why should they sell down the river qualified grate on nerves mutilate a male infant? And no, studies aren't done about the inimical effects plus complications resulting from male genital mutilation. Quite the U-turn--the doctors are always trying to come up with pioneering instigadion for the unwarranted harm on to males. They are more interested in making capital from mutilating males. Circumcision is a shark and a double-cross. A foreskin is willy-nilly a birth inaction; it is a patrimony. ERIC
There seems to be a correlation. Not that that means much, but it makes sense that decreased sensitivity would tend to increase the likelihood of penile problems.
When a penis is circumcised, over the years the tip loses a lot of sensation due to rubbing against clothes. Also, removing that super-sensitive skin is a huge factor in a loss of sensation. It's been found, in many studies, that non-circumcised men have better sex in general, so I would say the answer is, yes, quite possibly.
I have head and read that it is a fact that Viagra sells well here where the older guys are mostly circumcised and has not sold well at all in the EU where most men are natural. Israel is also said to be a huge Viagra consumer. It makes sense as circumcision messes with the natural mechanism that helps gain and maintain an erection. The foreskin is not just skin and does not just protect the glans(head). Circumcision amputates the most sensitive PARTS of the male genitals. This surgery takes away the main male pleasure zones with over 20000 fine touch and stretch nerve endings amputated. The foreskin has several parts including the ridged band that is great for ones pleasure (that is why nutters like Kellogg wanted to chop em off, to curtail masturbation), Masturbation is important for a mans physical and mental health. The ridged band directly contacts the vagina for very great pleasure all around. The dynamics of sex and the actual mechanism of the penis are drastically changed by circumcision. The foreskin can normally be slipped all the way, or almost all the way, back to the base of the penis, and also slipped forward beyond the glans. This wide range of motion is the mechanism by which the penis and the orgasmic triggers in the foreskin, frenulum, and glans are stimulatedThe only touch organ possessing as rich erogenous innervation as the foreskin is the clitoris. Circumcision deprives man of 2/3ds of the main erogenous zone constituted of the foreskin and the glans.
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You also have to look at how many people take it for recreation. Homosexuals are well known to combine XTC with Viagra. Isn't that true Connor? Circumcision has be deficient grate on nerves bring do an end with it.
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