So they could get that excitement that can only happen if medically enhanced? What's going to happen with those pills if Brown steps in and health care doesn't pass?
Well since he literally pawned his daughters off to Americans, maybe they were popping viagra. Oh, I forgot, most Repud men seem to go more for young boys and Brown only has daughters! added: to user Pelosis water boy America has spoken??In case you were sleeping, America didn't vote for this jackass, it was only 1 state. ...sigh
Nope, but I DID pop the champagne corks to celebrate the death of 0bamacare and the rest of his steaming pile of socialist crap he calls his agenda. Libs are the ones who need Viagara to get it up after ONE LOOK at Medusa San Fran Nan, Shrillary Clinton, Helen Thomas, Babs Boxer, Theresa Heinz Kerry, or Janet Reno. Conservatives don't need no stinkin blue pills...
Not if health care reform is DEAD.
Republicans have a right to be happy when they win an election in a 3 to 1 blue state dont they??
Well I had to, your sister and mom were already naked and drooling for me.
Honey, we're not liberal Democrats. We don't need Viagra. (It hurts, doesn't it?)
You're not a very nice person. You probably pull the wings off of flies...besides, it's the bed-wetting liberals that need Depends to get through the day..right?
Were Democrats quick to slash their wrists after Brown won? I hope so.
So, this is all you have left? Insults? I thought for sure you would have learned something after the negative campaign Coakley ran.
Brown was key in HELPING to pass the mass healthcare system. He is a big govt neocon. SOME healthcare bill will pass. We will watch the votes of yes pile up, and only when we see there is enough to pass it will you see the no votes pile in. Its how it worked for the international banker bailout. If it involves massive govt spending, they make sure it passes. If for some reason it does not have enough votes to pass, those lower on the latter switch votes to support and help in its passing. Again. Watch the vote. The yes votes will pile in with 5 or 6 honest no votes. Once the magic number of 'success' is hit in the yes votes, only then the majority of the no votes come in.
Anti-Republican, Viagra pilule jokes.......I just responded in the matter of the two.....Grow rupture and join me...hoodwink.
Obama's idea of healthcare was to give the elderly a pain pill and send them home to die. Is that what you want?
Didn't need em. Do you want to finish off my anti-depressants?
No, not fast enough. BTW you can now buy Viagra dransmit the streets, just derive pleasure dope.
I actually popped open a few bottles of Perrier-Jouët and enjoyed watching the beginning of the demise of the OBAMA REGIME! America has spoken, too bad the liberals have wax in their ears, when November rolls around they might just open their ears, I doubt it though.
Seriously, I think you may be confused. Remember, it is liberals like Chris Matthews who get tingles down their leg when democrats win. And my republican husband certainly doesn't need viagra! :-)
You really think the health care debacle has a chance. The death of the ignorant bill is the largest blessing the Democrats could have. It means a few Democrats may get reelected in 2010 otherwise the election were and still may be a complete slaughter of Democrats.
We didn't need the pills.
Wow, now this is a mature question. I am sure that you thought long and hard about it before posting.
I notice that young liberals tend to think that everybody lives on drugs. That is most likely because of their mindset, most people think others think and believe the same as they do. You should stop thinking drugs and hatred are the only way of life. Once you get straightened out you'll realize there is a real world out there beyond your pathetic liberal fantasies and hatred. You'll grow up a lot too, drug use tends to slow the maturation process. While I have better manners than to stick my nose into other people's private business, like medical conditions, I can't think of a single conservative I know that would need drugs to be excited about that lying snake oil salesman and his minion, the wicked with of the west, losing their death grip on this country. Every one of them will be thrilled that the atrocity called health care reform is dead. The democratic version should never have even been brought to the table.
It seems so
That's a gross thought. Stop talking about Republican toothpricks....it's just disturbing.
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