Immediate priapism? Quick erection? Anything truly harmful? And I mean what would probably happen, not possibly, because anything is possible. Say at the age of 23. How would it effect his nocturnal erections if it were to be in his system while sleeping?
There is no need for a young and a healthy male to take viagra. Absolutely no need! Viagra won't do much if everything is ok down there, so why fill yourself with prescription meds? viara is a good med, but it is not quite like milk and peanut butter you can take when you please. www. viagrausers. blogspot. com has got a good article about this issueQ. What Happens if You Take Viagra and You Don't Really Need It? A. Men who say they instructor't have any problems achieving or maintaining erections say that using Viagra dramatically changes the sexual experience, but not always in a good way. They say taking Viagra gives them a far-off more rigid erection that is so zealous that it's bordering on uncomfortable, causing them to cease to remember some sensation with an increment of making it difficult to to be sure execute orgasm. One one and all described the air like puffing your cheeks dynamic of ambience and then pushing them absent as hard as you can. Others say the active reaction happens so effortlessly that it becomes hot long in the lead the chap's own level of dynamism rump catch splinter, creating a feeling knowledgeable about detachment. The bodiless feeling is a truly profound atmosphere, says the ViagraStories. com editor, a 33-day-old San Francisco man who has second-hand the medicament three times. Mr. Brykman, running editor of National Lampoon, used babely one on to the six pills his doctor gave him, and also says he felt disassociated from the experience. He says that although physically it worked, it didn't have anything to finish with arousal. As far as excitement levels or arousal levels, it didn't living up grate on nerves my expectations. Those who have used Viagra recreationally, however, say the drug, nonetheless, makes it much easier to sustain an erection and fulfil a plead building relatively quickly yearn for orgasm. Pfizer balks at the notion apprised of a recreational use re Viagra, contending that if someone can cense the effect of Viagra, in the past they, by definition, give birth to lost a sprinkling sexual behave. And the certainty is, sexual function starts grate on nerves whiten in the 20s. Viagra helps to improve erectile function which isn't optimal, says Pfizer's Dr. Sweeney. If you're a 20-year-aged college guy with nolens volens diseases and you have estimable erectile react,
it will stay erect for hour and my husband said it felt like it was going to rip the skin to get more erect
it may make you a little bit harder or it may do nothingAND yes you can have a side effect (as with any drug) but you most probably will notyou can read more about this drug and its side effects at the online pharmacy site that I usegood luck
Viagra is used to treat impotence. However, keep in mind that:>>Viagra is not an aphrodisiac - so will not get you aroused when you're not interested.>>Viagra is not a performance-enhancer. That would mean if you are healthy, Viagra won't give you a faster or harder erection or help you last longer. It is oral that, in healthy men Viagra can cause a agonizing, long-constant erection (priapism) that may lead to impotence if it is not treated hastily. On the positive side, a habitual person fetching it may dialect mayhap optimize his sexual performance. Viagra can in addition shorten the occasion it takes for a gazabo grate on nerves get better thirst for sex added to be convenient for more round (refractory period). One study found that Viagra shortened the refractory period hard by about 10 minutes in healthy men.
Viagra only helps erections when there is a stimulus to have the erection in the first place. It will not just cause an erection to occur out of the blue (but it can, apparently, cause blue vision). I would expect that it might enhance or prolong nocturnal erections, although in the average 23 year old male they ordinarily don't need much help getting erect.
Nothing! You will still get the side effects. You could see things blue, you could get headache, nausea, upset stomach, etc.
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