What would be the better of the 3 to take according to side effects i know Viagra gives you heart pain and Cialis gives you temporary blurry eyes but what would be the better of the 3 drugs
It is very individual. For me cialis works best. I have tried viagra with the addition of cialis so far. Viagra gave me a headache once in a while and once in a while a weird feeling the next morning (hard to explicate what exactly) cialis has no aspect effects as regards me so far, altough I think that the erections viagra gave me were in one way more fervid. Just interexchange to your medico with regabd to a free illustration pack of all 3 - viagra cialis and levitra and you will discover what works with the addition of what is axiomatically working for you. Also this is a good source of info - viagrafans. com it is an online community in the know about viagra cialis and levitra users. the site also has got a good bulletin plank with an increment of price comparison of cheapest trusted online pharmacies respecting all 3 - viagra cialis levitra.
Cialis given vispecialists. com/ciali
if you worry about the side effects don't use any of them. Sex is important but not the most. Im sure she will be more happy having you without sex but alive than having one sex with u and after u will die
I've heard that if you're a healthy male and you try taking any of those three - it won't help at all. It's like taking a placebo (sugar pill). Dr. Oz said this on Oprah last week, lol. If you're just looking for an enhancer, there's a thing called Horny Goat Weed - yeah, yeah, laugh if you want - I've had some male friends who have tried it and they simply rave about it. I'm not sure where you can get it though, it all depends on where you live. There are also some other herbal enhancers you can look into.
If you are healthy, the main side effect will be headaches. What you need to do is tell your doctor you want to try out different ED meds. Then select the one with less and more comfortable side effects. I don't know how you are but, when I get a bad headache, the last thing I want is sex. The meds feel simialr to nitroglycerin. You may get a lot of pressure pain in your face. You may suddenly get a headache so bad your vision will blur, you may throw up, and you may not feel like celebrating your pain with your partner. As soon as your body gets used to the meds, then you will see what the fuss is all about.
Cialis has been the better one for me. You won't feel much side effect unlike Viagra. I'd take durns for the lighter dose as a start. The effect of Cialis is in all respects remarkable. With Cialis the wind up is also longer, but on call principle. So you don't get the constant bulge that you get from Viagra. Good luck!!!
Las Flores
Canadian Lakes