I'm thinking of trying viagra. I'm wondering does your penis stay hard after orgasm or does it get soft? Also can you get an erection and have more sex after a few minutes? Have you had any experience with the other newer drugs and if so how would you compare them?
Here are the facts on Viagra and the different penis enhancers on the market-place. They all assist you introduce procurement hard. Once you ejaculate 98% of hte session you will go soft. Once you rest with regabd to 5 to 20 minutes depending your age plus stamina you can get an building again. Viagra lasts about 36 hours, Cialis go the distance close by the same time. I give birth to used it and it assist us older men. You will have side effects with it like, one of your nostrals pass on stop shatter, or a headache on occur, and peradventure some alternative minor side effects. Nothing that lasts. The 2% cognizant of the men that stay erect want to interexchange to the doctor asap if you carry out not go soft.. For younger men it have to not sell down the river needed but regarding elder men earlier 40 it is of necessity the DEVIL but a GOD SEND of medication. Now life rear be enjoy with an increment of love 'til your are over 100 added to make no mistake.
If you are young and don't actually need help getting an erection, Viagra is THE DEVIL. At least in my limited experience.
Same answer as the first onebut if you are a bit probally wont...i guess you'll just have to go for a long time lolonly take viagra when you need it:)
Normally not, usually it gets soft after you ejaculate, However it stays in your system hrs after so you can have repeat sex agai. Newer drugs? Cialis is my favourite, it stays in your system for aboout 48hrs, so think it yourself:....)))a good site for this info is www. viagrausers. blogspot. com. it is an online community of viagra cialis levitra users. the site has besides got price contrasting for cheapest respectable online pharmacies. also check out the message boards.
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