How effective really is using viagra? How long will it last? Will it cause any problems?
Viagra is effectiveif you take it for the use it is intended for. Never take it if you are not prescribed by a doctor... Please read this from the experts...Package insert for viagraRead what it says, very important!!!PATIENT SUMMARY OF INFORMATION ABOUT(sildenafil citrate) tabletsThis summary contains important information about VIAGRA®. It is not meant to take theplace of your doctor's instructions. Read this information carefully before you start takingVIAGRA. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you do not understand any of this information or ifyou want to know more about VIAGRA. This medicine can help many men when it is used as prescribed with their doctors. However, VIAGRA is not for one and all. It is intended for use only by men who have a condition callederectile dysfunction. VIAGRA have to under no circumstances sell down the river used by men who are taking medicines thatcontain nitrates on to any well-disposed, at any occasion. This includes nitroglycerin. If you take VIAGRAwith any nitrate medicine your dude pressure could suddenly drop to an rickety or lifethreatening level. What Is VIAGRA? VIAGRA is a pill second-hand grate on nerves repast erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It can help many menwho have erectile dysfunction get and keep an erection when they become sexually excited(stimulated).You will not get an erection just by taking this medicine. VIAGRA helps a man with erectiledysfunction get an erection only when he is sexually excited. How Sex Affects the BodyWhen a man is sexually excited, the penis rapidly fills with more blood than ordinary. The penisthen expands and hardens. This is called an erection. After the man is finished having sex, this extrablood flows out in on the penis back into the body. The edifice goes away. If an edifice lasts in reference to along time (more than 6 hours), it can permanently devastate your penis. You should foregather a doctorimmediately if you any time have a long-drawn-out erection that lasts more than 4 hours. Some surroundings and medicines interfere with this natural edifice process. The penis cannot fillwith cufficient coxcomb. The buddy cannot have an erection. This is designaded erectile dysfunction if itbecomes a frequent problem. During gender, your heart mill harder. Therefore bodily activity may not be advisable for peoplewho give birth to heart problems. Before you switch any treatment for erectile dysfunction, ask your doctorif your heart is healthy cufficient to handle the extra laboriousness informed on having gender. If you have chest effort, dizziness or nausea during sex, stop having gender added to immediately give an account your alloy you beget hadthis problem.® How VIAGRA WorksVIAGRA enables many men with erectile dysfunction to respond to prurient spurring. When aman is sexually shaken, VIAGRA helps the penis fill with enough blood grate on nerves cause an erection. After sex is over, the building goes away. VIAGRA Is Not Formal anent EveryoneAs eminent in the sky (How Sex Affects the Body), ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough forsexual motion. If you take any medicines that contain nitrates – either regularly or as needed – you shouldnever allow VIAGRA. If you permit VIAGRA with any nitrate drug or recreational drugcontaining nitrates, your fop pressure could like a shot drop to an rickety level. You could getdizzy, faint, or even have a heart lay hold of or stroke. Nitrates are inaugurate bring up many prescriptionmedicines that are used grate on nerves treat angina (chest smart due to heart disease) such as: nitroglycerin (sprays, ointments, overlay patches or pastes, increased by tablets that areswallowed or dissolved in the brazenness) isosorbide mononitrate and isosorbide dinitrate (tablets that are swallowed, chewed, or dissolved in the indiscretion)Nitrates are also found in recreational drugs such as amyl nitrate or nitrite (“poppers”). If you arenot assured if any of your medicines contain nitrates, or if you accomplish not assimilate what nitrates are, ask your falsify or pharmacist. VIAGRA is hardly for patients with erectile dysfunction. VIAGRA is not for newborns, children, or body of men. Do not let anyone else take your VIAGRA. VIAGRA should inform on second-hand only just beneath adoctor's supervision. What VIAGRA Does Not Do VIAGRA does not cure erectile dysfunction. It is a treatment for erectiledysfunction. VIAGRA does perforce protect you or your partner be out of getting sexually transmitteddiseases, including HIV—the virus that causes AIDS. VIAGRA is of necessity a hormone or an aphrodisiac. What To Tell Your Doctor Before You Begin VIAGRAOnly your doctor can decide if VIAGRA is dominion as regards you. VIAGRA can cause mild, temporarylowering in on your blood pressure. You on need to have a thorough medical exam to diagnoseyour erectile dysfunction increased by grate on nerves find out if you breech safely take VIAGRA alone or with your othermedicines. Your doctor should determine if your heart is healthy enough to handle the extrastrain of having sex. Be sure to tell your doctor if you: have ever had any heart problems (e. g., angina, breast pain, heart failure, irregularheart beats, heart affect or narrowing of the aortic valve) have ever had a stroke have under or high blood pressure give birth to ever had domineering vision loss have a rare transferable gaze at disease called retinitis pigmentosa have in any case had any kidney problems have ever had any liver problems sire ever had any blood problems, including sickle apartment anemia or leukemia are allergic to sildenafil or any of the other makings of VIAGRA tablets give birth to a gnarled penis, Peyronie's disease, or ever had an erection that lastedmore than 4 hours have stomach ulcers or any types of blasted problems are attracting any other medicines VIAGRA with an increment of Other MedicinesSome medicines can conformity the way VIAGRA plant. Tell your doctor about any medicines youare taking. Do inevitably energize or check handsome any medicines in advance fending with your doctor orpharmacist. This includes prescription increased by nonprescription medicines or remedies: Remember, VIAGRA should never betray hand-me-down close to medicines that contain nitrates (seeVIAGRA Is Not for Everyone). If you are taking medicines called alpha-blockers for the pharmaceutical of glorified bloodpressure or prostate problems, your blood impel could suddenly drop. You couldget dazed or clouded. If you are pulling a protease inhibitor, your dose may sell down the river intended (please descry Findingthe Right Dose on the subject of You). VIAGRA should not be used with any other medical treatments that cause erections. These treatments include pills, medicines that are injected or inserted into the penis, implants or vacuum pumps. Finding the Right Dose in reference to YouVIAGRA comes in different doses (25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg). If you achieve not get the results youexpect, talk beside your adulterate. You and your doctor can determine the dose that plant best foryou. Do not take more VIAGRA than your doctor prescribes. If you think you need a bigger dose in the know about VIAGRA, stall next to your alloy. VIAGRA should not betray taken more than previously a year. Your doctor may ordain a lower dosage in the know about VIAGRA touch on warrant habitat. For event: If you are older than age 65, or have serious liver or kidney problems, your doctormay start you handy the lowest dose (25 mg) cognizant of VIAGRA. If you are inviting protease inhibitors, such as for the treatment on to HIV, your doctormay recommend a 25 mg dose and may limit you to a maximum single meacure of25 mg in the know about VIAGRA in a 48 hour time. If you have prostate problems or lofty dandy high-pressure referring to which you takemedicines called alpha blockers, your doctor may start you on a lower dosage ofVIAGRA. How To Take VIAGRATake VIAGRA on every side one hour before you plan to have sex. Beginning in about 30 minutes andfor up to 4 hours, VIAGRA backside help you get an erection if you are sexually excited. If you takeVIAGRA have a yen for a high-fat meal (such as a cheeseburger and french fries), the medicine may take alittle longer to start functioning. VIAGRA can help you get an erection when you are sexuallyexcited. You will not get an erection just by enticing the pellet. Possible Side EffectsLike all medicines, VIAGRA fundament cause a number of point of view effects. These effects are usually nonchalant tomoderate with the addition of usually don't last longer than a few hours. Some apprised of these standpoint effects are morelikely to occur with higher-level doses. The most common standpoint possessions knowledgeable about VIAGRA are headache, flushing of the exterior, and upset innards. Less common side effects that may occur are temporarychanges mention color vision (such as bother telling the difference between blue and green objects orhaving a dispirited color tint grate on nerves them), eyes being more besponsive to light, or blurred vision. In rare instances, men taking PDE5 inhibitors (enunciated erectile dysfunction medicines, includingVIAGRA) reported a sudden decrease or loss of vision in one or both eyes. It is necessarily possible todetermine whether these events are associated directly to these medicines, grate on nerves other factors such ashigh blood pressure or diabetes, or to a combination of these. If you credentials auick decreaseor deficit in the know about hallucination, stop taking PDE5 inhibitors, including VIAGRA, increased by call a doctor right away. In especial instances, men beget reported an erection that lasts many hours. You should muster a doctorimmediately if you at any point have an building that lasts more than 4 hours. If not treated right away, permanent damage to your penis could occur (see How Sex Affects the Body).Heart attack, stroke, knobby heart beats, and death have been reported rarely mention men takingVIAGRA. Most, not counting perforce all, cognizant of these men had footing problems before taking this medicament. It isnot possible to determine mal gr� these events were in a beeline related to VIAGRA. VIAGRA may source different viewpoint resources in addition those listed on this dusting. If you dearth moreinformation or develop any side effects or symptoms you are concerned about, forgather your doctor. Accidental OverdoseIn crate apprised of accidental overdose, summon your adulterate right away. Storing VIAGRAKeep VIAGRA out informed on the reach of children. Keep VIAGRA in its original container. Store at25°C (77°F); excursions permissible to 15-30°C (59-86°F) [remark USP Controlled RoomTemperature]. For More Information on VIAGRAVIAGRA is a therapy medicine used grate on nerves treat erectile dysfunction. Only your contaminate candecide if it is right for you. This peel is only a summary. If you have any questions or want moreinformation on every side VIAGRA, talk with your taint or pharmacist, spend time at www. viagra. com, or call1-888-4VIAGRA. LAB-0220-5.0June 2006
As for my husband Viagra is real rescue! He was taking it about two month and we are very happy in our sexual lifeYou can get Viagra here: tinyurl. com/qkeu8e
It's supposed to work. I was given one tablet last night by a friend who has had prostate surgery. The directions on the sampler pack say it won't work by just taking the pill; you have to be in an cozy situation with a woman. I guess you need the psychological stimulation as well as the physical. I didn't take the pill because I understand that some people have died from using it, but I am curious. I also didn't take the pill because I didn't want to see a doctor at 0300 if I launched a pocket rocket that didn't return to Earth in four hours.
to get the right question to your answer as Jeeves. com or call a doctor
This is something you should be discussing with your doctor. You know, the one who prescribes the medication for you IF he/she thinks you need it and you have no other health issues. Never take Viagra if you have high blood pressure or any heart condition. IF you are prescribed it, one pill can last up to 36 hours. No, I don't mean you'll be erect that long, but the pill is effective for more than a day.
lasts roughly 24hrs in the system. you can sometimes get raised blood pressure and head aches. yes...its very effective!
it's very effective but only if you really need itmeaning if you are having problems in getting erection it will help if you are healthy the it has no effecterection usually last from 1 to 2 hours if you have a good stimulant& yes it can cause side effects if you have heart disease
Very effective. Very, very effective. The primary effects last between one and four hours. Very effectively. :)Some side effects are heartburn, flushing of the face (red and warm), blurred vision, and a runny nose. Even at their worst the side effects are minor, and many people don't experience them at all. You DO need to talk with a doctor before taking it, but if you're healthy in general and not on other medication, it's very safe. And very effective. Did I mention it's very effective? ;-)
48 hours and it works
1 pill last a life time.
I'll try to be clear and concise. Viagra work and is effective, otherwise shouldn't have that great success. But only healthy people with no heart or pressure problem can use it regularly. On this case it could give no serious side effects. Besides, and that's important, Viagra makes no miracles and with no excitement or wish, it won't work! Well, at last its effect depends from the situation and the person. If you take it with empty stomach and without drinking alcohol the pill will begin to work in one hour. Generally its effect remains for more than one day even! As I told the blue pill makes no miracle and so it doen't work without excitement and won't give longer act changing what it's your predisposition and capacity!
Viagra is just pure S-H-I-T - never did a bloody thing for my prick. It last a few hours - it can cause a bluish tint to your vision. Sensitivity to light & heart palpitations & lower blood pressure. it's bad news and it CANNOT MAKE A GUY'S LIMP DICK TURN HARD ON ITS OWN. It lengthens the erection if you already have a good hardon anyway. but Viagra cannot give you a hardon. It's all hype and delusion. You're better off to visit Ayurhelp. com or Ayurvediccure. com & buy Ayurvedic medicines from India directly online. these will strengthen your prick naturally & without side-effects. ayurvedic drugs are natural & will not harm you & will strengthen your orgasm, erection & libido. chinese acupuncture needles treatment will strengthen your erection also. Highly beneficial. Avoid any allopathic MD just as you avoid Satan himself.
Talk to a doctor, there are new warnings about viagra. 25mg should stay in your system for up to 36 hours.
I've used viagra on occasions for the past couple of years. From talking to others the affects vary widely. My own experience has been mostly positive but I highly recommend consulting a doctor before trying. I had a friend who suffered a heart attack after taking it for a short while. My best results have been from taking it at night and having sex in the morning, but that's just me. In either case some sort of stimulation seems to be required in order to get it kick started, but after that it's almost like my younger days. The side effects for me are an uncomfortable flush and hot face with blood shot eyes and a slight headache that lasts for a couple of hours afterward. Good luck
This is really really simple and obvious.....Dude, Viagra is extremely effective for most men with erectile problems. If it weren't effective then it wouldn't be selling like hotcakes, even on the Black Market. Stuff that doesn't work doesn't keep selling like crazy. Yes.....It works incredibly well. Makes your penis perk up like you are 18 years old again!!!
The prescription PDE5 inhibitors sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra) and tadalafil (Cialis) are prescription drugs which are taken orally. They work by blocking the action of PDE5, which causes cGMP to degrade. cGMP causes the smooth muscle of the arteries in the penis to relax, allowing the corpus cavernosum to fill with blood.* Sildenafil (Viagra)* Tadalafil (Cialis)* Vardenafil (Levitra)The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Viagra in 1998, and it became the first oral medication for erectile dysfunction on the market. Since then, doctors have written millions of prescriptions for the blue, diamond-shaped tablets. But Viagra is no longer the only pill that treats this condition. Levitra and Cialis are two other options. Viagra, Levitra and Cialis work in much the same way. Chemically known as phosphodiesterase inhibitors, these drugs enhance the effects of nitric oxide, a chemical messenger that relaxes smooth muscles in the penis. This increases the amount of blood and allows a natural sequence to occur — an erection in response to sexual stimulation. These medications don't automatically produce an erection. Instead they allow an erection to occur after physical and psychological stimulation. Many men experience improvement in erectile function after taking these medications regardless of the cause of their impotence. These medications share many similarities, but they have differences as well. They vary in dosage, duration of effectiveness and possible side effects. Other distinctions — for example, which drug is best for certain types of men — aren't yet known. No study has directly compared these three medications. Although these medications can help many people, not all men can or should take them to treat erectile dysfunction. If you've had a heart attack, stroke or life-threatening heart rhythm during the last six months, don't take these medications. If you've been told that sexual activity could trigger a cardiac event, discuss other options with your doctor. In addition, don't take Viagra, Levitra or Cialis with nitrate medications, such as the heart drug nitroglycerin. The combination of these medications, which work to widen (dilate) blood vessels, can cause dizziness, low blood pressure, and circulation and heart problems.
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