I have a friend who has had a heart attack and got to take medicine. Now he has a real problem making love, because of not getting erected & since his Dr. has advised him not to take Viagra & similar medications he doesn`t know what to do. Can you help him?
There are natural supplements that are safe to use and would help him see results.
www. goviagra. biz/hearta heart attack viagra.
Yes i can tell your friend, that his LIFE his more important than his sex! Does he want to die? He cant make love then now can he? Sorry to be harsh but maybe thats the best thing for him, he needs a reality check and i'm very suprised that this heart attack has not given that to him!
rely on his winning personality?...Go Al
That is very frustrating, but not the end of the world. Most female partners will be satisfied with plenty of cuddling and foreplay. There are ways to help her to orgasm besides using the old willy. As for the man, I know how important an erection is to a guy, but he can still have an orgasm without an erection. The key is to just relax and have's not a contest.
Your friend needs to learn how to use fingers, toes, nose, and tongue to sexually stimulate and satisfy partners. Perhaps very low doses of Viagra would be accommodating. Who wants grate on nerves be a drooping-dick?
have him investigage (along with his doctor) penile implants
It all depends on how much he wants to stay alive!!!Any form of sexual excitement is going to send his heart rate way up. That could easily kill him. Is it worth playing Russian Roulette just for a few seconds neurological bliss? What he needs is to steer his thoughts away from sex and into SURVIVAL. If he keep trying to have sex he will get what he is asking for!
Medical help is required. If there is a complete loss of erectile function, an inflatable cylinder can be implanted to allow him to have a pseudo erection. www. webmd. com/erectile-dysfunctio
Do not take it! It increases your blood pressure and your heart rate. That's how it works. If he is having erection problems consult your GP. It is likely that his lifestyle is a contributing factor. i. e alcohol or drug abuse, obesity or simply the fear of not getting hard. Hope this helps.
there are a lot of things a guy can do to please his partner with out an erection. he should explore this and see how it goes..
Chester Hill