Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Would one be commiting a sin by incorporating viagra into communion wafers?
After all, one could partake of Mass for up to four hours. So?
Then we would have the Bibles the men were holding in their laps levitating. No?
I prefer putting ruffies in the host (snicker). That'll keep them around. God invented humor. Lighten up.
Do you think for yourself or do you have to look at the bible for every step you take thinking Is that a Sin!.
I think Catholic services are stiff enough...
No way, do you want those priests to be any hornier than they already are?
same thing as poisoning someone for which the biblical penalty is death. i don't doubt that we are all being drugged as it is, with all the strange chemicals the authorities spray from aircraft, put in our water and food and create h1n1 type viruses in bio war fare labs which are accidentally released and then they say come get your shots - filled with who knows what?
I don't think so. He who believes in me shall never die. And, I will raise him up...Yours in Christ, Nick
yes if its not asked for. lol
Your question is an insult to those who follow a ritual to which you referAs a Jew who does not participate in Mass, I dislike your insensitivity. Len
Just hope one of the hymns isn't Oh Come All Ye Faithful...
Anything lasting longer than four hours and they'd need to call in a faith healer...
In keeping up congregation numbers the Anglicans need all the help they can get!
won't someone think of the children? no seriously think of the children, what with all those priests running around with boners
Stop Mocking 'what' you don't even have a clue about, dude. :(
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