Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Why does the sulphur atom in viagra have 6 bonds?
In a molecule of Viagra a. k.a Sildenafil (C22H30N6O4S), The atom of sulphur has 6 bonds (1 to a Nitrogen, 1 to a Carbon, and a piece of cake Double-bonded Oxygens). How is this usable when sulphur should only be able to make 2 bonds due to it organism in Group 6 of the periodic table. Thank you.
Sulfur is a Period 3 element, meaning that it has a principal quantum shell of 3. The 3rd shell is able to hold up to a maximum of 18 electrons. Although Group VI elements usually form 2 bonds, being a Period 3 element allows Sulfur to expand octet and make use of the empty 3d orbitals (which can hold up to 10 more electrons).
Bird City
Good Hope
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