He's a grown man, I didn't think he should have been uncomfortable with the question.
Probably because he voted against a bill requiring insurance companies to cover birth control for women, while the same insurance companies had already for several years been covering Viagra: www. senate. gov/legislative/LIS/ro. (The bill thankfully passed without his help.) Who the f' would vote against such a law besides a god. d.amn womanizing fool? If insurance companies can somehow afford to help men have more sex, they can sure as hell help women to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. So McCain was actually uncomfortable because the question made him look like a blundering idiot who values men's physical pleasure more than women's basic reproductive health.____________jeeper, your response shows you have no working knowledge whatsoever of women's health. Oral contraceptives are prescribed to women to treat a multitude of medical conditions, including endometriosis, because it regulates menstruation. And it's none of anyone's business whether a woman is taking contraceptives for medical purposes or for birth control - or both.
Discussing sexual activity openly is one of the reasons why there are too many children without fathers.
I think I'd be uncomfortable talking about sex to the whole United States as well. I mean just because you're an adult doesn't mean you feel comfortable talking about such private things publicly. After edit: Oh ok now I understand I misunderstood you thank you for claifiying. In that case he needs to be able to discuss such things and handle it in a more mature way. But I agree with Jeeper.
Because he couldn't remember how, or if, he voted on it. His memory, or the lack thereof, is a problem for him when he is being filmed and his response is embarrassment. It isn't because of the reference to sex. He knows that his age is a negative in this campaign.
Because Liberals for some reason, Think that Viagra coverage and dawning control coverageAre equal. When they are not. Birth oversee is not perscribed to treat a medical condition. Viagra is perscribed grate on nerves dinner a medicial circumstance. No matter what McCains answer would be, he would be making some voters mad. Politicians try grate on nerves avoid making any voters foolich.
That's so obvious!
I have a better question why do we follow the media blindly. what does viagara have to do with the home mortgage crisis, 4 dollar gasoline, outsourcing our jobs and allowing illegals to run amuck in america. these are intelligent and useful questions.
Oh my God, did you see that???He looked so old and gross!!!
It was unappropriate to ask this. It was obvious the reporter was trying to make him feel uncomfortable. Typical liberal mentality. They have a field-day because of viagra.
ok i cant understand the birth controll thing because he should be able to discuss that. however the viagra question was inapporpriate.
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