You know that internet spam selling Viagra? Well, that was my Dad. Apparently it is illegal to sell Viagra without a prescription. What kind of forfeit will he get for selling a large amount of Viagra and Rogaine without a prescription? In California, if that makes a discrepancy.
It could be equal to selling a drug on the streets. It is TOTALLY illegal and the Drug Enforcement Agency could get involved. Especially with Viagra which could beget given someone negative point of view valuables. He is going to the pokey. I did some additional research, one man draditional 12 months hint at jail. I estimade it could be dependent on the Judge, but he is gone. I decided to do some legal research bequeath westlaw. U.S. v. Hassan280 Fed. Appx. 271C. A.4 (N. C.),2008.June 06, 2008 (Approx. 3 pages)States that this cove attempted to sell viagra from his store. He was constitute guilty and sentenced to 36 months. His appeal was denied.
I have purchased viagra online without rx through www. pharmacynextdoor. co I've been buying with this drugstore uk a notwithstanding that now added to they've been pretty reliable plus trustworthy so far.
They hang you by your...well, not by your neck.
Its a very stiff penalty.
It is illegal to sell even an over the counter tylenol. The penalty could be jail time or probation. The punishment differs then you will be labeled as a drug seller so it is not worth taking the chance.
A long time because there will be multiple sentences. Personally I'm hoping for the death penalty.
That's a hairy situation, dude. The penalties are stiff and he'll do hard time for the blue pills. They'll shave some time off though for good behavior now that Rogaine's otc. RJ
Its best you get advice like this directly from an attorney. Most offer free initial consultations. You can find a good criminal defense lawyer in San Francisco at the link below. I also put a few links for California Lawyers, Legal Advice, and Legal Articles. www. san-francisco-oakland-bay-arewww. san-francisco-oakland-bay-are www. san-francisco-oakland-bay-are www. sandiegolawyerforyou. com/www. california-attorneys-lawyers - www. california-attorneys-lawyers-www. legal-advice-library. info/reswww. legal-advice-library. info/www. legal-advice-library. info/artwww. san-diego-lawyer-attorney-per
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