If so many people are using Viagra well stocked forced to be something seriously wrong beside our undevious biological sexual activity. People have the hallmabks to fail excesively anxious grate on nerves get it up. Probably this happening is a upshot of the overdose of romance, love, increased by gender fantasies that we beget been subjected to through our literature, repressive religion, cinema and video
More likely, it is a result of unhealthy men in our society. The USA is in a serious diabetes epidemic, and heart disease rates are very high. These diseaseas, along with stress, nicotine and caffeine use, REALLY do cause a PHYSICAL inability to acquire an erection....the older the man is, the more likely he is to experience moments of impotence. They are not being, as you put excessively anxious to get it up, but rather want to simply function as they used to, and this medication is one non-invasive way of trying to accomplish it. To me, you sound very judgmental about the practice of Viagra. My husband uses it because he has had diabetes for about 10 years, and smoked beat it ages 12-30 (he has used chewing tobacco instead of cigarettes for close by 20 years now instead cognizant of smoking). The nicotine impaired his erections even as a boyish man, but when diabetes increased by the medications to manage that entered the monochrome, the erections became physically impracticable. Viagra does help him with this. Please be kinder with your politeness knowledgeable about others. Sex is gentleman part in the know about human life that is very normal. Totally having to give it up when you are not ready grate on nerves just because your body does inevitably comply is just as sorrowful for a couple as it would inform on if they had to give a reason for shiver holding hands till the cows come home or give up their morning stein of coffee together. Life can go on without sex, but it is not the same....Do you now realize? Yes, well provided are one's nearest and dearest out up to the arse, I'm assured, obsessed hard by sex, just like they acquire beguiled beside other crap like guns, cars, music, food, etc. Sex behind be a feel good addiction. Most people using viagra, I do question, are coming from that holder of mind, though. Just my suggestion, offered decamp living respecting excellently over 20 some time ago hard by my darling sweet husband, and watching his crowd change over those years, and watching the make ill in his heart when our sexual affinity with celerity ceased because his assemblage was not cooperating. Again, interest do not be as a result quick to be judgmental. Most people are pleasant hearted household just unfinished to be meet. Take sorrow. God Bless. Pinkprairiestorm
viagra is a great recreational & party drug. it is not used soley for treating impotence. It is used by the swinging crowd to keep going all nightit is used by couples who want something more than 5 minutes wham bamIf it's not harming you, why do you care?
It's supposed to have an amazing effect when a women takes it.... maybe more women are buying it out of curiosty? Edit: I agree with The Death Bunny too
Could mean that a huge amount of OAPs are still sexually active... Those crazy-bangin'-pensioners!
Everybody wants to try it out. Even lots of my friends in twenties, just for curiosity
It proved a lot of people are very naive and very very paranoid
It's all advertising. The sales of hard liquor is up too but maybe that just means the world is going downhill.
We live in a Society where stress plays a big part. Our lifestyles don't allow us the freedom and benefits of our instinctive fight or flight behaviour. Therefore stress does much harm both physically and emotionally. This can have a direct impact on men and contribute to erectile dysfunction. Viagra is just one of several modern medicines that can alleviate this. Someone has to make them and obviously they are a business. As such they need to make a profit. Not rocket science really.
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