So that they can go out and repeat the same thing again?
Well there are a few reasons. Many democrats ARE criminals. No I didn't say ALL. But go to any jail, or prison, and run a poll. Some are democrats because of their political beliefs, some are simply because they know with more democrats in office their lives as a criminal will be much easier. However many democrats are just naive and ignorant. They believe everyone is good on the inside and these poor pedophyles and rapists and serial killers are all just victims themselves. Why if Johnny's mommy hadn't spanked him too hard when he was 9 then he wouldn't have grown up to rape and murder 6 year old little girls. Rubbish. Some people are just evil. They're too stupid to realize that the only way to fix these people is to either lock them up forever where they can't victimize anyone or execute them.
Liberals always choose sides with the guilty. Just ask Willie Horton.
I'm sure this is the name of the paragraph in the bill! Lol!!!
That is only the Radical Extreme Left wing of The Democratic Party that does that.
Kindly verify your basis for the use of your term most Democrats. without reliable, replicable survey numbers, you must be swallowing hysterical propaganda from the disgruntled whinners who lost with the passage of the health-care bill. I understand that this consideration will be removed by amendment. That would not be accomplished is your initial wild, un-based claim were accurate.
because it isnt a serious amendmnt it is just an republican attack on saving 56 ooo american lives
West Valley
Greeley Center