is it easy to get......what did you have to do to get it? or is it just as easy as going to your doc and saying to him you want it and he gives you some?
.viagra is a prescription drug, so you must get a prescription from your doc. if you have ed the doc will give you a free ed sample pack of viagra cialis and levitra to see which one works best for you. if someone is diabetic and has ed, he can get free viagra if his doctor prescribes it to him. You can also try to order viagra online, the only hurdle with buying viagra online is that there are so many sh..ty places all over the net that you can easily earn wrapped up and get ripped hint at the end. you obligated to be very careful if you elect to order meds over the attain. a enjoyable source for ed meds like viagra cialis levitra is www. viagrafans. com. it is not an online druggist's but an online community cognizant of viagra cialis and levitra users, the site besides has got expenditure comparison informed on cheapest and patriotic online pharmacies.
It's a prescibed medicine, however with any system there's always somebody who knows how to knock the system. Anyways go natural get some Ginseng, Yohimbe Bark.
i think you have to get it over that counter in pharmacies - just ask! its nothing to be embarrased about - if you do feel embarrased pay with cash so that way they have know way of tracing it back to you.
I would have to say that it should depend on your health, when I got my prescription, my doctor asked about my health in general which is good, though I do have some circulatory problems though she did not belive that this was the cause of my impotance she prescribed the Viagra without any real problem, unless you are exceptionally young with no physical problems I dont belive you will have any trouble getting it. Basically just make an appointment and tell your Doc you would like to try it (he may even give you a sample pac) to see how it will work for you as they are expensive (last time I got them I think it was $60.00 for 10 tabs. Good luck
Yes, it's easy to get it. It depends but must of the doctor's will prescribe it, if you really need it. Brand Viagra is very expensive about $ 10 - 12 par pill. I have ordered Caverta from this site, it's the same like Viagra but very cheap.
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