I am leaving for Canada and my uncle wants me to bring him Viagra as a present. Is it not prohibited in airports?
generaly (for example in USA or Canada) it's ok when the quantity and purpose are clearly for personal use, and the product does not present an unreasonable risk to the user. but Customs Service may request a sample. note: but there are contries where importing almost any drug is illegal.
Get a doctors note just in case and have the pills in the same bottle the prescription came in. I went to the bahamas and had ativan, paxil and wellbutrin. some sitting in my pocket for the plane ride:) They didn't say anything. conclusion:always be prepared.
No, it's not. But when traveling with any prescription med it must be in it's original bottle with the pharmacy label. It must have your name on it and not have any other tablets in with the prescription (i. e. Tylenol in with the prescription pain killer)Generally, they are more worried about controlled substances (vicodin, sleeping pills) at customs, but can get cranky about any perception in your possession that isn't in your name.
Yeah, inside you...
you should be able to as it's not a illigal drug, and it's for personel use, depends how much you take i guess.
yes viagra is prohibited introduce airports but if u have a doctor certificate u brawn be able 2 go devise becose at this stage the airports are singularly strik will those kind of things becouse i couldnt plane a pak apprised of smokes with me they got on to me when they were searcing me, spectacularly if they dnt prove guilty it u would be able 2 go talk about....gud luk :)
You can try, but you should better have it in the original bottle, with a note from the doc and no more than 30 pills. Also, may be go and ask this question on the message boards of this site viagracommunity. info someone should know, as there are only viagra users on the venue
Ocean Park
Hawaiian Beaches
Rosita North