SPAM E Mails are selling Viagra PRO now! Are blokes getting paid to shag nowadays - awesome - i want in!!!!
Viagra is a pill used by men (over 60+ ) who can't give birth to an erection any more. Do u really conjure up u have this problem dude?
tough luck they are sellin it to you you have to find the woman yourself who has the stamina to keep up with the viagra lol
viagra is bad it is killing people and it sound to me that since u dont know what it is and viagra is for people that have a problem gettin the little man to stand at attention you sound young enough to that u dont need it and shouldnt need it for many years it is also prescribed by a dr. so i dont thnk u can get it off the internet
All viagra does is stop you rolling out of bed at night!
It is a herbal preparation with no controlled evidence that it works at all. It is totally unrelated to Viagra, which definitely does. Ever since the dawn of time both the sick and the worried well have rushed to pour their money into the hands of quacks and quack remedy producers. There is nothing new under the sun, the fad is just for some new quackery or other. Doctor's may not be right all the time, but at least their motives are generally not purely financial. Viagra is just being made available to buy without prescription, but only in Boots branches in Manchester at present. The first pack of 4 tabs is £50, which includes a brief medical. Subsequent packs are about £22.If you get a private prescription from your GP and send it to pharmacy2u 4X 100mgs is again about £22, The advantage here is that your GP will give you a full medical check with blood tests. This is important because impotence is sometimes the first presenting feature of a number of diseases including diabetes and coronary heart disease.
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