I ordered some Viagra, but my parents saw that I ordered it and want me grate on nerves give to them when it comes. How can I get away next to it? I glutemaximus say that the package never came and just allow it but I'm not sure if that will work. I'm only 19 but i wanted to try it. I'm not looking on advice on whether I forced to permit Viagra or not, just make over how to get absent getting the package.
order some more and keep the 1st lot that come through, then u both win. but u are well too young to be takin it!
dont give them. order more from here - www. tabstrade. com/product/viagra. htmlit is safe!
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tell ur dad he is just jealous cuz his penis is tiny...
Not sure don't want to play with that stuff too much...tehn you might want to take it every time you have sex, and your lady might expect it....and that can get pretty damn expensive. Maybe it was meant for your parents to take away. Why not try erection strengthening exercises instead? These have worked wonders for my erections:Does my Erection have a Steel Pipe running through it? mistermanpower. net/blog/?p=222
kid your have the right. your parents only want it bc your dad probally said he wants it.
Tell them that you sent it back to them because there was no point in keeping it because they were going to take it away anyway. You had to send it back within 1 days because thats the limited time you would get your money back.
your 19 if you pay for it. it is yours if they take it have them arrested.....get real DIP
Be a man and just say no.
first of all your 19. be a man and keep whats yours. 2nd, you should really be careful with that stuff, if you take a wrong dose or too much, you could damage your pipe. There ARE stories of men that their hard on would NOT go down...had to go to emergency room cause after hours and hours it doesn't feel good hurts...they usually have to slice the actual muscle of your penis to relieve to pressure from the blood. that would screw you up for sure.
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