I have viagra pills that expired apirl 2006 would it be to dangerous to use them
You shouldn't contemplate taking any expired medications. You have to throw them away. Expired medicines either don't work as well or they could be harmful. The active ingredient must change structure into something questionable beyond a certain time hence why they have a fixed expiry date? Take them to your pharmacist and hand them in is the best way to dispose of them. Read this and it will verify some of what I have just said and is a medical website presumably written by qualified pharmacists:www. safemedication. com/meds/pharm
I have purchased viagra online without rx through www. pharmacynextdoor. co I've been buying with this drugstore uk a while now and they've been pretty reliable and trustworthy so far.
Registered Trademark - sildenafil citrate, a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor first clinically tested for the treatment of angina due to its blood vessel expanding properties. In clinical trials, erections resulted as an unforseen side effect and seeing the potential profit, it was later FDA approved and marketed for this purpose. It is usually recommended to take Viagra 30 minutes prior to anticipated sexual activity.-------NO-------------
no they are just useless
it is dangerous to take anything that was expired. your health or life cost more than a pills.
As a general rule, it is recommended you don't ingest anything outside its expiration date. And considering the nature of the pill, which regulates blood flow and therefore directly regulates your heart, you would probably be better not taking it. Further, you must learn about the pill, because due to doctor negligence, patients typically ingest what is given to them by default, without questioning the source. So visit this link from Wikipedia about it.
the only reason drug companies put expiration dates on drugs is because they hope you throught out supposed epired drugs and buy more. xas long as they are stored in the prescrption bottles they are good and safe
They are fine.....
Viagra is a serious prescription, not for sexual pleasure see the warning at the bottom FDA ALERT [7/2005]: A small number of men have lost eyesight in one eye some time after taking Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra. This type of vision loss is called non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION). NAION causes a sudden loss of eyesight because blood flow is blocked to the optic nerve. We do not know at this time if Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra causes NAION. NAION also happens in men who do not take these medicines. People who have a higher chance for NAION include those who:· have heart disease · over 50 years old · have diabetes · have high blood pressure · have high cholesterol · smoke · have certain eye problems FDA has approved new labels for Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra to include information on possible eyesight loss (NAION).Stop using Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra if you have a loss in your eyesight. Get medical help right away. www. fda. gov/cder/consumerinfo/viafamilydoctor. org/465.xmlpfizer. com/pfizer/download/ppi_viwww. mayoclinic. com/health/erectilPATIENT SUMMARY OF INFORMATION ABOUT(sildenafil citrate) tabletsThis summary contains important information about VIAGRA®. It is not meant to take theplace of your doctor's instructions. Read this information carefully before you start takingVIAGRA. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you do not understand any of this information or ifyou want to know more about VIAGRA. This medicine can help many men when it is used as prescribed by their doctors. However, VIAGRA is not for everyone. It is intended for use only by men who have a condition callederectile dysfunction. VIAGRA must never be used by men who are taking medicines thatcontain nitrates of any kind, at any time. This includes nitroglycerin. If you take VIAGRAwith any nitrate medicine your fop spur could suddenly gobbet grate on nerves an unsafe or lifethreatening focus. What Is VIAGRA? VIAGRA is a bolus used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It can help many menwho sire erectile dysfunction secure and keep an erection when they become sexually excited(stimulated).You pass on not get an erection just by taking this medicine. VIAGRA helps a bloke close to erectiledysfunction get an construction only when he is sexually shaken. https://www. viagra. com/thesaurus. aspStop using Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra if you have a loss in your eyesight. Get health-giving help right away. www. fda. gov/cder/consumerinfo/viafamilydoctor. org/465.xml
yes they are