how do i circumvent this, do i have to get a new yahoo address or can i get a new screen name. and have my mail rerouted there?
Can you get into your account? If so, change your password to something long, and something that has numbers and odd characters like # and $ in it. If not, did you try contacting Yahoo? If you usually use the same computer to access your e-mail, yahoo might be able to help you. They can tell that you're contacting them from the computer you usually use your e-mail address on, and that the guy using it now isn't accessing your e-mail from a place you usually do. To contact Yahoo, call or email: account-security-help@cc. yahoo-inc. com and 1-408-349-1572.
I do agree with the first answer, but at the same time spammers have many ways to spoof your email. That is they can make it seem like it's coming from you or your friends. I occasionally gets emails selling such items apparently from myself. So it doesn't mean your account has hacked.
I've had the same problem. First you need to remove all the names from the address book, that way the trojan/virus cannot continue sending emails purporting to come from you. In the long run you might be better getting a new email address because your old one has now been compromised. And it will be sold on to other spammers
North Cape May
Twin Falls